Upcoming Events
Listening and Looking with Jesus!
You are invited to take time each day during the month of February to pay attention to the natural world we Christians call Creation. We will look, listen, engage all of our senses, for a few minutes or longer during this shortest month.
You might:
Notice your houseplants or the lengthening days from the comfort indoors
Pay attention to the birds at feeders (or the squirrels!)
Go for a walk, skate, ski & consider tracks in the snow, ice on the bay/river, the changing sky, birdsong
Create a snow angel (providing you can get back up again!)
Jot down what you experienced in the squares of the February calendar page, or perhaps create a tiny drawing.
On Sunday March 2 you’ll have the opportunity after worship to share what was meaningful for you as you paid attention to the world around you.
You can pick up your tracking calendar at the back of the sanctuary, or online at this link: Calendar

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